

Name Attribute Description
Read_Me nur.repos.Rhys-T._Read-Me-link
allegro- nur.repos.Rhys-T.allegro5 Game programming library (fixed for macOS/Darwin x86_64 < 11.0)
asciiportal-1.3pre8 nur.repos.Rhys-T.asciiportal It’s like portal, but in ASCII. And 2D. Sweet look-through mechanic, tho.
asciiportal-1.3pre8-unstable-2019-09-09 nur.repos.Rhys-T.asciiportal-git It’s like portal, but in ASCII. And 2D. Sweet look-through mechanic, tho.
bubbros-1.6.2 nur.repos.Rhys-T.bubbros Multiplayer clone of the famous Bubble Bobble game
burgerspace-1.10.0 nur.repos.Rhys-T.burgerspace Hamburger-smashing video game
drl-hq- nur.repos.Rhys-T.drl Roguelike game based on the FPS Doom (with high-quality audio)
drl-lq- nur.repos.Rhys-T.drl-lq Roguelike game based on the FPS Doom (with low-quality audio)
flatzebra-0.2.0 nur.repos.Rhys-T.flatzebra Generic game engine for 2D double-buffering animation
fpc-3.2.2 nur.repos.Rhys-T.fpc Free Pascal Compiler from a source distribution (fixed for macOS/Darwin, with Clang version capped at 17 to fix build)
hbmame-0.245.22 nur.repos.Rhys-T.hbmame Emulator of homebrew and hacked games for arcade hardware
hbmame-0.245.22 nur.repos.Rhys-T.hbmame-metal Emulator of homebrew and hacked games for arcade hardware
hfsutils-3.2.6-14 nur.repos.Rhys-T.hfsutils Tools for reading and writing Macintosh HFS volumes
hfsutils-3.2.6-14 nur.repos.Rhys-T.hfsutils-tk Tools for reading and writing Macintosh HFS volumes
icbm3d-0.4 nur.repos.Rhys-T.icbm3d 3D vector-based clone of the atari game Missile Command (fixed for macOS/Darwin)
konify-0-unstable-2011-12-09 nur.repos.Rhys-T.konify Script to generate semi-random desktop backgrounds
lix-game-0.10.29 nur.repos.Rhys-T.lix-game Lemmings-like game with puzzles, editor, multiplayer
lix-game-server-0.10.29 nur.repos.Rhys-T.lix-game-server Lemmings-like game with puzzles, editor, multiplayer (standalone multiplayer server)
mame-0.273 nur.repos.Rhys-T.mame Multi-purpose emulation framework (fixed for macOS/Darwin)
mame-0.273 nur.repos.Rhys-T.mame-metal Multi-purpose emulation framework (fixed for macOS/Darwin)
man2html-3.0.1-unstable-2024-01-05 nur.repos.Rhys-T.man2html Unix manpage-to-HTML converter
minivmac-36.04 nur.repos.Rhys-T.minivmac Miniature early Macintosh emulator (Macintosh Plus)
minivmac-ii-36.04 nur.repos.Rhys-T.minivmac-ii Miniature early Macintosh emulator (Macintosh II)
minivmac-ii-37.03 nur.repos.Rhys-T.minivmac-ii-unstable Miniature early Macintosh emulator (Macintosh II)
minivmac-37.03 nur.repos.Rhys-T.minivmac-unstable Miniature early Macintosh emulator (Macintosh Plus)
pacifi3d-0.3 nur.repos.Rhys-T.pacifi3d Pac-Man emulator in 3D
pacifi3d-hbmame-0.3+0.245.22 nur.repos.Rhys-T.pacifi3d-hbmame Pac-Man emulator in 3D (using ROMsets from hbmame)
pacifi3d-mame-0.3+0.273 nur.repos.Rhys-T.pacifi3d-mame Pac-Man emulator in 3D (using ROMsets from mame)
pce-0.2.2 nur.repos.Rhys-T.pce PC Emulator
pce-0.2.2-unstable-2024-10-18 nur.repos.Rhys-T.pce-snapshot PC Emulator
pce-with-unfree-roms-0.2.2 nur.repos.Rhys-T.pce-with-unfree-roms PC Emulator
phosg-0-unstable-2024-12-18 nur.repos.Rhys-T.phosg C++ helpers for some common tasks
powder-118 nur.repos.Rhys-T.powder Graphical roguelike, originally designed for the Game Boy Advance
qemu-screamer-7.1.94-unstable-2022-12-09 nur.repos.Rhys-T.qemu-screamer Generic and open source machine emulator and virtualizer (mcayland’s ‘screamer’ fork)
resource_dasm-0-unstable-2024-12-11 nur.repos.Rhys-T.resource_dasm Classic Mac OS resource fork and application disassembler, with reverse-engineering tools for specific applications
wine64-10.0 nur.repos.Rhys-T.wine64Full Open Source implementation of the Windows API on top of X, OpenGL, and Unix (with Clang version capped at 16 to fix build)
xgalaga++-0.9 nur.repos.Rhys-T.xgalagapp XGalaga++ is a classic single screen vertical shoot ’em up. It is inspired by XGalaga and reuses most of its sprites (fixed for macOS/Darwin)
xinvaders3d-1.9.0 nur.repos.Rhys-T.xinvaders3d 3D Vector Graphics Space Invaders clone for X11
xorcurses-0.2.2 nur.repos.Rhys-T.xorcurses Puzzle game set inside a series of mazes
xorcurses-0.2.2-unstable-2023-01-31 nur.repos.Rhys-T.xorcurses-git Puzzle game set inside a series of mazes
xscorch-0.2.1 nur.repos.Rhys-T.xscorch Clone of Scorched Earth