

Name Attribute Description
python3.12-auditok-0.1.5 nur.repos.kugland.auditok An audio/acoustic activity detection and audio segmentation tool
bip39-0.2.1 nur.repos.kugland.bip39 Generate BIP-0039 mnemonic phrases
python3.12-ffsubsync-0.4.25 nur.repos.kugland.ffsubsync Automagically synchronize subtitles with video
my-bookmarks.pl-0.1.0 nur.repos.kugland.my-bookmarks-pl Simple script to manage bookmarks in a text file and display them using rofi.
neocities-deploy-0.1.11 nur.repos.kugland.neocities-deploy A command-line tool for deploying your Neocities site
python3.12-pysubs2-1.6.1 nur.repos.kugland.pysubs2 A Python library for editing subtitle files
subtitlecomposer-0.8.0 nur.repos.kugland.subtitlecomposer An open source text-based subtitle editor