

Name Attribute Description
iptux-0.8.5 nur.repos.yes.iptux A software for sharing in LAN
ludii-1.3.12 nur.repos.yes.ludii A general game system being developed as part of the ERC-funded Digital Ludeme Project (DLP)
magireco-cn-local-server-1.6.8 nur.repos.yes.nodePackages.magireco-cn-local-server Magia Record CN Local Server
nodejs-18.20.2 nur.repos.yes.nodePackages.nodejs Event-driven I/O framework for the V8 JavaScript engine
shadowsocks-ws-8.1.0 nur.repos.yes.nodePackages.shadowsocks-ws Shadowsocks over WebSocket
wechat-devtools-1.06.2310080-2 nur.repos.yes.wechat-devtools WeChat Devtools For Linux
python3.11-xonsh-direnv-1.6.1 nur.repos.yes.xonsh-direnv Direnv support for the xonsh shell