

Name Attribute Description
python3.12-beets-filetote-0.4.8 nur.repos.yyy.beets-filetote A plugin for beets that moves non-music files during the import process.
python3.12-beets-originquery-unstable-2022-03-11 nur.repos.yyy.beets-originquery Plugin for beets that improves album matching
python3.12-beet-summarize-0.2.0 nur.repos.yyy.beets-summarize Summarize beet library statistics
python3.12-beets-yearfixer-0.0.4 nur.repos.yyy.beets-yearfixer The beets-yearfixer plugin finds the original_year for each of your songs by querying the MusicBrainz database and finding the first release date that is associated with it.
python3.12-datasette-cluster-map-0.17.2 nur.repos.yyy.datasette-cluster-map Datasette plugin that shows a map for any data with latitude/longitude columns
python3.12-datasette-leaflet-0.2.2 nur.repos.yyy.datasette-leaflet Datasette plugin adding the Leaflet JavaScript library
stash-0.24.3 nur.repos.yyy.stash An organizer for your porn, written in Go.