

Name Attribute Description
python3.11-fw-fanctrl-43cade936c81e214173307c4aa0e839ef8291026 nur.repos.tarantoj.fw-fanctrl A simple service to better control Framework Laptop’s fan
source nur.repos.tarantoj.gitignore
jb-2024.1.0 nur.repos.tarantoj.jetbrains-resharper-cli
nudelta nur.repos.tarantoj.nudelta An open-source alternative to the NuPhy Console created by reverse-engineering the keyboards’ USB protocol.
yuzu-1727 nur.repos.tarantoj.yuzu An experimental Nintendo Switch emulator written in C++
yuzu-early-access-4174 nur.repos.tarantoj.yuzu-ea An experimental Nintendo Switch emulator written in C++ - early access branch