bacnet-stack-0.8.6 |
nur.repos.kapack.bacnet-stack |
BACnet Protocol Stack library provides a BACnet application layer, network layer and media access (MAC) layer communications services. |
batsched-1.4.0 |
nur.repos.kapack.batsched |
Batsim C++ scheduling algorithms. |
batsim-4.2.0 |
nur.repos.kapack.batsim |
An infrastructure simulator that focuses on resource management techniques. |
batsim-4.1.0 |
nur.repos.kapack.batsim-410 |
An infrastructure simulator that focuses on resource management techniques. |
docker-image-batsim.tar.gz |
nur.repos.kapack.batsim-docker |
batsky-0.1.0 |
nur.repos.kapack.batsky |
cgvg-1.6.3 |
nur.repos.kapack.cgvg |
Commandline tools for searching and browsing sourcecode |
cigri-3.0.0 |
nur.repos.kapack.cigri |
CiGri: a Lightweight Grid Middleware |
cli11-2.1.2 |
nur.repos.kapack.cli11 |
Command line parser for C++11 |
colmet-0.6.10.dev0 |
nur.repos.kapack.colmet |
Collecting metrics about process running in cpuset and in a distributed environnement |
colmet-collector-0.0.1 |
nur.repos.kapack.colmet-collector |
Metrics collector for Rust version of Colmet (colmet-rs) |
colmet-rs-0.0.1 |
nur.repos.kapack.colmet-rs |
Monitoring processes inside cgroup |
cpp-driver-2.15.2 |
nur.repos.kapack.cpp-driver |
DataStax C/C++ Driver for Apache Cassandra® and DataStax Products |
python3.12-distem-0.0.5 |
nur.repos.kapack.distem |
ear-4.1.0 |
nur.repos.kapack.ear |
Energy Aware Runtime (EAR) package provides an energy management framework for super computers |
elastisim-1e967c |
nur.repos.kapack.elastisim |
Batch-system simulation for elastic workloads |
python3.12-enoslib-v8.1.4 |
nur.repos.kapack.enoslib |
python3.12-evalys-4.0.7 |
nur.repos.kapack.evalys |
Infrastructure Performance Evaluation Toolkit Edit |
python3.12-execo-2.6.8 |
nur.repos.kapack.execo |
Execo |
python3.12-flower-1.4.0 |
nur.repos.kapack.flower |
A Friendly Federated Learning Framework. |
glibc-2.40-66 |
nur.repos.kapack.glibc-batsky |
gocov-1.0.0 |
nur.repos.kapack.gocov |
Coverage testing tool for The Go Programming Language. |
intervalset-1.2.0 |
nur.repos.kapack.intervalset |
C++ library to manage sets of integral closed intervals |
intervalset-1.2.0 |
nur.repos.kapack.intervalsetlight |
C++ library to manage sets of integral closed intervals |
python3.12-iotlabcli-3.3.0 |
nur.repos.kapack.iotlabcli |
python3.12-iotlabsshcli-1.1.0 |
nur.repos.kapack.iotlabsshcli |
python3.12-iterators-0.0.2 |
nur.repos.kapack.iterators |
Provides a wrapper class TimeoutIterator to add timeout feature to normal iterators |
likwid-5.2.1 |
nur.repos.kapack.likwid |
Likwid is a simple to install and use toolsuite of command line applications and a library for performance oriented programmers. It works for Intel, AMD, ARMv8 and POWER9 processors on the Linux operating system. There is additional support for Nvidia GPUs. There is support for ARMv7 and POWER8 but there is currently no test machine in our hands to test them properly. |
loguru-2.1.0 |
nur.repos.kapack.loguru |
A header-only C++ logging library |
melissa-0.7.1 |
nur.repos.kapack.melissa |
Melissa is a file avoiding, adaptive, fault tolerant and elastic framework, to run large scale sensitivity analysis on supercomputers |
heat-pde-0.7.1 |
nur.repos.kapack.melissa-heat-pde |
Melissa framework example - heat equation |
python3.12-mlxp-1.0.0 |
nur.repos.kapack.mlxp |
Machine Learning eXperimentalist for Python. |
mosquitto-1.5.5 |
nur.repos.kapack.mosquitto-dcdb |
An open source MQTT v3.1/3.1.1 broker |
NPB-3.4.2 |
nur.repos.kapack.npb |
The NAS Parallel Benchmarks (NPB) are a small set of programs designed tohelp evaluate the performance of parallel supercomputers. The benchmarksare derived from computational fluid dynamics (CFD) applications andconsist of five kernels and three pseudo-applications in the original"pencil-and-paper" specification (NPB 1). The benchmark suite has beenextended to include new benchmarks for unstructured adaptive mesh,parallel I/O, multi-zone applications, and computational grids. Problemsizes in NPB are predefined and indicated as different classes. Referenceimplementations of NPB are available in commonly-used programming modelslike MPI and OpenMP (NPB 2 and NPB 3) |
python3.12-nxc-cluster22 |
nur.repos.kapack.nxc |
NixOS Compose |
python3.12-oar-3.0.0 |
nur.repos.kapack.oar |
OAR: a Versatile Resource and Job Manager |
oar-2.5.10+g5k7 |
nur.repos.kapack.oar2 |
The OAR Resources and Tasks Management System - version 2 series |
oxidisched-0.1-unreleased |
nur.repos.kapack.oxidisched |
Batsim-compatible schedulers mostly meant to test Batsim. Written in Rust. |
python3.12-parallel-ssh-2.10.0 |
nur.repos.kapack.parallel-ssh |
python3.12-procset-v1.0 |
nur.repos.kapack.procset |
Toolkit to manage sets of closed intervals. |
python3.12-pybatsim-3.2.1 |
nur.repos.kapack.pybatsim |
Python API and schedulers for Batsim |
python3.12-pybatsim-3.2.0 |
nur.repos.kapack.pybatsim-320 |
Python API and Schedulers for Batsim |
python3.12-pybatsim-core-4.0.0-alpha+5414b272 |
nur.repos.kapack.pybatsim-core |
Core Python Python API and schedulers for Batsim |
python3.12-pybatsim-functional-4.0.0-alpha+5414b272 |
nur.repos.kapack.pybatsim-functional |
Functional scheduler API for pybatsim |
python3.12-python-grid5000-1.2.4 |
nur.repos.kapack.python-grid5000 |
python3.12-mip-1.13.0 |
nur.repos.kapack.python-mip |
Collection of tools for Mixed-Integer Linear programs |
redox |
nur.repos.kapack.redox |
Modern, asynchronous, and wicked fast C++11 client for Redis |
python3.12-remote-pdb-2.0.0 |
nur.repos.kapack.remote_pdb |
Remote vanilla PDB (over TCP sockets). |
rt-tests-2.2 |
nur.repos.kapack.rt-tests |
test suite for real time Linux features |
scylladb-cpp-driver-2.16.2b |
nur.repos.kapack.scylladb-cpp-driver |
DataStax C/C++ Driver for Apache Cassandra® and DataStax Products |
simgrid-3.36 |
nur.repos.kapack.simgrid |
Framework for the simulation of distributed applications |
simgrid-3.27 |
nur.repos.kapack.simgrid-327 |
Framework for the simulation of distributed applications |
simgrid-3.27 |
nur.repos.kapack.simgrid-327light |
Framework for the simulation of distributed applications |
simgrid-3.28 |
nur.repos.kapack.simgrid-328 |
Framework for the simulation of distributed applications |
simgrid-3.28 |
nur.repos.kapack.simgrid-328light |
Framework for the simulation of distributed applications |
simgrid-3.29 |
nur.repos.kapack.simgrid-329 |
Framework for the simulation of distributed applications |
simgrid-3.29 |
nur.repos.kapack.simgrid-329light |
Framework for the simulation of distributed applications |
simgrid-3.30 |
nur.repos.kapack.simgrid-330 |
Framework for the simulation of distributed applications |
simgrid-3.30 |
nur.repos.kapack.simgrid-330light |
Framework for the simulation of distributed applications |
simgrid-3.31 |
nur.repos.kapack.simgrid-331 |
Framework for the simulation of distributed applications |
simgrid-3.31 |
nur.repos.kapack.simgrid-331light |
Framework for the simulation of distributed applications |
simgrid-3.32 |
nur.repos.kapack.simgrid-332 |
Framework for the simulation of distributed applications |
simgrid-3.32 |
nur.repos.kapack.simgrid-332light |
Framework for the simulation of distributed applications |
simgrid-3.34 |
nur.repos.kapack.simgrid-334 |
Framework for the simulation of distributed applications |
simgrid-3.34 |
nur.repos.kapack.simgrid-334light |
Framework for the simulation of distributed applications |
simgrid-3.35 |
nur.repos.kapack.simgrid-335 |
Framework for the simulation of distributed applications |
simgrid-3.35 |
nur.repos.kapack.simgrid-335light |
Framework for the simulation of distributed applications |
simgrid-3.36 |
nur.repos.kapack.simgrid-336light |
Framework for the simulation of distributed applications |
slurm-simulator-bsc-v17 |
nur.repos.kapack.slurm-bsc-simulator |
Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management |
slurm- |
nur.repos.kapack.slurm-front-end |
slurm- |
nur.repos.kapack.slurm-multiple-slurmd |
python3.12-ssh-python-0.10.0 |
nur.repos.kapack.ssh-python |
python3.12-ssh2-python-0.27.0 |
nur.repos.kapack.ssh2-python |
starpu-1.4.0 |
nur.repos.kapack.starpu |
Run-time system for heterogeneous computing |
wait-for-it-0.0.1 |
nur.repos.kapack.wait-for-it |
python3.12-wirerope |
nur.repos.kapack.wirerope |