Navigation : Documentation Credits Repos - 0x4A6F - 12Boti - 7mind - 999eagle - 9glenda - aaqaishtyaq - abszero - afreakk - alanpearce - alarsyo - aleksana - alwinb - ambroisie - amesgen - andreasrid - AndrewKvalheim - anntnzrb - anthonyroussel - aprilthepink - arc - armaria - arteneko - artturin - AsterisMono - ataraxiasjel - avrahambenaram - aymanbagabas - badele - bandithedoge - bbjubjub - bd-g - behoof4mind - bendlas - berryp - bhasherbel - binarycat - blakat360 - brpaz - c2vi - caarlos0 - charmbracelet - chen - cherrypiejam - chillcicada - chisui - chordtoll - clefru - codgician - colinsane - congee - cransom - crazazy - crtified - cryolitia - cwyc - dagger - DanNixon - dawidsowa - dcsunset - deeunderscore - definfo - demivan - demyanrogozhin - detegr - Dev380 - devins2518 - devmegablaster - DimitarNestorov - dmayle - draftea - drewrisinger - dsuetin - dtn7 - dukzcry - dur - dustinblackman - Educorreia932 - eeva - eggflaw - eh5 - Emin017 - endle - eownerdead - ethancedwards8 - etu - Ex-32 - falconprogrammer - fanbb2333 - federicoschonborn - fius - fliegendewurst - fooker - foolnotion - foresense - frankoslaw - Freed-Wu - friedow - friendsofshopware - ftbwiki - fuyu-no-nur - gabr1sr - gbytedev - genesis - ggemre - gigamonster256 - glostis - GNUqb114514 - goreleaser - grafcube - graham33 - guanran928 - guoard - heph2 - hhr2020 - hujw77 - humxc - iagocq - ihaveamac - ilya-fedin - INFO4-19 - instantos - ionutnechita - iopq - iuricarras - ixhbinphoenix - j-k - j4ger - javimerino - jcs090218 - jdpkgs - jeffguorg - jerrita - jitterbug - jj - jjjollyjim - jleightcap - jomik - jpts - k0ral - k3a - kakkun61 - kalbasit - kapack - kinzokudev - kira-bruneau - kokakiwi - kugland - lcx12901 - lightquantum - linyinfeng - liyangau - lschuermann - LuisChDev - lunik1 - lykos153 - make-42 - materus - mbekkomo - meain - mgord9518 - MH0386 - mic92 - mich-adams - michaelglass - mikaelfangel-nur - mikilio - minion3665 - mloeper - moaxcp - moraxyc - moredhel - moredread - mpickering - mrcpkgs - mrene - mrtnvgr - MtFBella109 - mur - mweinelt - nagy - natsukium - nelonn - neumantm - nginx - Nick1296 - nikolaizombie1 - nikpkgs - nim65s - nishimara - nix-data - nix-geht - nix-swift-packages - nltch - nnb - NotBalds - NotEvenANeko - nousefreak - novel2430 - nprindle - nukdokplex - ocfox - oluceps - ondt - onemoresuza - ossareh - pascalthesing - pborzenkov - petrichor - phandox - picokeys-nix - pokon548 - presto8 - priegger - ProducerMatt - progsyn - propheci - qenya - qwbarch - raizyr - rconan - redpz - Redrield - reedrw - rencire - renesat - reward - rewine - Rhys-T - robertodr - robinovitch61 - rseops - ruixi-rebirth - rummik - running-grass - rutherther - ryan4yin - rycee - sagikazarmark - Samuel-Martineau - sebrut - sehqlr - shados - shadowrz - shamilton - sigprof - sikmir - skiletro - sky - slaier - smaret - sn0wm1x - spitzeqc - suhr - SuperKenVery - tarantoj - tehplague - thaumy - tomberek - toonn - toyvo - tuckershea - twistoy - uniquepointer - vanilla - vizqq - vroad - vsoch - wamserma - weirdpkgs - whs - willbou1 - willpower3309 - wingej0 - wwmoraes - wyzdwdz - xddxdd - xeals - xfix - xonsh-xontribs - xyenon - yes - YisuiMilena - yyy - zachcoyle - zeratax - zimeg - zsien - zzzsy mrtnvgr Packages Name Attribute Description artworks-0.2.0 nur.repos.mrtnvgr.artworks Embed album covers to audio files celeste nur.repos.mrtnvgr.celeste Help Madeline survive her inner demons on her journey to the top of Celeste Mountain celeste-classic-unstable-2020-12-08 nur.repos.mrtnvgr.celeste-classic A PICO-8 platformer about climbing a mountain, made in four days celeste-classic-2-1.0 nur.repos.mrtnvgr.celeste-classic-2 A PICO-8 platformer about hiking around a mountain, made in three days for Celeste’s third anniversary celeste-classic-pm-unstable-2020-12-08 nur.repos.mrtnvgr.celeste-classic-pm A PICO-8 platformer about climbing a mountain, made in four days (Practice Mod) neural-amp-modeler-0.9.0 nur.repos.mrtnvgr.nam-trainer Neural network emulator for guitar amplifiers neural-amp-modeler-lv2-0.1.3 nur.repos.mrtnvgr.neural-amp-modeler-lv2 Neural Amp Modeler LV2 plugin implementation wrapped-obs-studio-30.2.3 nur.repos.mrtnvgr.obs-wayland Free and open source software for video recording and live streaming reaper-sws-extension-1.3.2 nur.repos.mrtnvgr.reaper-sws-extension A Reaper Plugin Extension soundfont-touhou-1.0 nur.repos.mrtnvgr.soundfont-touhou Excellent General MIDI compatible soundfont from the Touhou series of games mrene MtFBella109