

Name Attribute Description
collada-dom-unstable-2020-01-03 nur.repos.nim65s.collada-dom Lightweight version of collada-dom, with only the parser.
gepetto-viewer-5.0.0 nur.repos.nim65s.gepetto-viewer
gepetto-viewer-5.0.0 nur.repos.nim65s.gepetto-viewer-base
gepetto-viewer-corba-5.8.0 nur.repos.nim65s.gepetto-viewer-corba
gruppled-lite-cursors-1.0.0 nur.repos.nim65s.gruppled-white-lite-cursors Gruppled Lite Cursors theme
hpp-baxter-5.0.0 nur.repos.nim65s.hpp-baxter Wrappers for Baxter robot in HPP
hpp-bezier-com-traj-5.0.0 nur.repos.nim65s.hpp-bezier-com-traj Multi contact trajectory generation for the COM using Bezier curves
hpp-centroidal-dynamics-5.0.0 nur.repos.nim65s.hpp-centroidal-dynamics Utility classes to check the (robust) equilibrium of a system in contact with the environment.
hpp-constraints-5.0.0 nur.repos.nim65s.hpp-constraints Definition of basic geometric constraints for motion planning
hpp-corbaserver-5.0.0 nur.repos.nim65s.hpp-corbaserver Corba server for Humanoid Path Planner applications
hpp-core-5.0.0 nur.repos.nim65s.hpp-core The core algorithms of the Humanoid Path Planner framework
hpp-environments-5.0.0 nur.repos.nim65s.hpp-environments Environments and robot descriptions for HPP
hpp-gepetto-viewer-5.0.0 nur.repos.nim65s.hpp-gepetto-viewer Display of hpp robots and obstacles in gepetto-viewer
hpp-gui-5.0.0 nur.repos.nim65s.hpp-gui Qt based GUI for HPP project
hpp-manipulation-5.0.0 nur.repos.nim65s.hpp-manipulation Classes for manipulation planning
hpp-manipulation-corba-5.0.0 nur.repos.nim65s.hpp-manipulation-corba Corba server for manipulation planning
hpp-manipulation-urdf-5.0.0 nur.repos.nim65s.hpp-manipulation-urdf Implementation of a parser for hpp-manipulation
hpp-pinocchio-5.0.0 nur.repos.nim65s.hpp-pinocchio Wrapping of Pinocchio library into HPP
hpp-plot-5.0.0 nur.repos.nim65s.hpp-plot Graphical utilities for constraint graphs in hpp-manipulation
hpp-practicals-5.0.0 nur.repos.nim65s.hpp-practicals Practicals for Humanoid Path Planner software
hpp-romeo-5.0.0 nur.repos.nim65s.hpp-romeo Python and ros launch files for Romeo robot in hpp
hpp-statistics-5.0.0 nur.repos.nim65s.hpp-statistics Classes for doing statistics
hpp-template-corba-5.0.0 nur.repos.nim65s.hpp-template-corba This package is intended to ease construction of CORBA servers by templating actions that are common to all servers
hpp-tutorial-5.0.0 nur.repos.nim65s.hpp-tutorial Tutorial for humanoid path planner platform
hpp-universal-robot-5.0.0 nur.repos.nim65s.hpp-universal-robot Data specific to robots ur5 and ur10 for hpp-corbaserver
hpp-util-5.0.0 nur.repos.nim65s.hpp-util Debugging tools for the HPP project
ndcurves-1.4.1 nur.repos.nim65s.ndcurves Library for creating smooth cubic splines
osgQt-3.5.7 nur.repos.nim65s.osgqt Qt bindings for OpenSceneGraph
proxsuite-0.6.6 nur.repos.nim65s.proxsuite The Advanced Proximal Optimization Toolbox
hpp-bezier-com-traj-5.0.0 Multi contact trajectory generation for the COM using Bezier curves
hpp-centroidal-dynamics-5.0.0 Utility classes to check the (robust) equilibrium of a system in contact with the environment.
hpp-corbaserver-5.0.0 Corba server for Humanoid Path Planner applications
hpp-gepetto-viewer-5.0.0 Display of hpp robots and obstacles in gepetto-viewer
hpp-manipulation-corba-5.0.0 Corba server for manipulation planning
hpp-practicals-5.0.0 Practicals for Humanoid Path Planner software
hpp-tutorial-5.0.0 Tutorial for humanoid path planner platform
ndcurves-1.4.1 Library for creating smooth cubic splines
qgv-1.3.5 nur.repos.nim65s.qgv
nerdfonts-3.2.1 nur.repos.nim65s.sauce-code-pro Iconic font aggregator, collection, & patcher. 3,600+ icons, 50+ patched fonts
sway-1.9 nur.repos.nim65s.sway-lone-titlebar I3-compatible tiling Wayland compositor