

Name Attribute Description
amber-lang-0.3.1-alpha nur.repos.kokakiwi.amber-lang Amber the programming language compiled to bash
aura-4.0.0-rc3 nur.repos.kokakiwi.aura A secure, multilingual package manager for Arch Linux and the AUR
cryptpad-2024.6.1 nur.repos.kokakiwi.cryptpad Collaborative office suite, end-to-end encrypted and open-source.
ferdium-6.7.5 nur.repos.kokakiwi.ferdium All your services in one place built by the community
freenginx-1.27.2 nur.repos.kokakiwi.freenginx A reverse proxy and lightweight webserver
go-mod-upgrade-0.10.0 nur.repos.kokakiwi.go-mod-upgrade Update outdated Go dependencies interactively
imhex-1.35.4 nur.repos.kokakiwi.imhex Hex Editor for Reverse Engineers, Programmers and people who value their retinas when working at 3 AM
lddtree-0.3.5 nur.repos.kokakiwi.lddtree Read the ELF dependency tree
ots-1.12.0 nur.repos.kokakiwi.ots One-Time-Secret sharing platform with a symmetric 256bit AES encryption in the browser
ots-cli-1.12.0 nur.repos.kokakiwi.ots-cli
paru-2.0.3 nur.repos.kokakiwi.paru Feature packed AUR helper
streampager-0.10.3 nur.repos.kokakiwi.streampager A pager for command output or large files
tumelune-0.16.0 nur.repos.kokakiwi.tumelune A simple program to browse and search in twitter and mastodon archives