

Name Attribute Description
cb nur.repos.lykos153.cb unify the copy and paste commands into one intelligent chainable command
cntb-bin-1.4.2 nur.repos.lykos153.cntb-bin Contabo Command Line Interface (Binary)
coord nur.repos.lykos153.coord
dotool-1.2 nur.repos.lykos153.dotool Command to simulate input anywhere
garden-0.8.1 Garden grows and cultivates collections of Git trees.
git-rstash nur.repos.lykos153.git-rstash Transfer your Git stashes to and from remotes with ease!
mum-0.5.1 nur.repos.lykos153.mum Daemon/cli mumble client
polybar-pulseaudio-control nur.repos.lykos153.polybar-pulseaudio-control A feature-full Polybar module to control PulseAudio
python3.12-Distance-0.1.3 nur.repos.lykos153.python3Packages.distance Utilities for comparing sequences
python3.12-g2p_en-2.1.0 nur.repos.lykos153.python3Packages.g2p-en A Simple Python Module for English Grapheme To Phoneme Conversion
shrinkpdf nur.repos.lykos153.shrinkpdf shrink PDF files with Ghostscript
toki nur.repos.lykos153.toki A Bash wrapper around the Timewarrior CLI that aims to improve its usability.