

Name Attribute Description
alvr-v20.5.0 nur.repos.materus.alvr ALVR - Stream VR games from your PC to your headset via Wi-Fi.
amf-amdgpu-pro-6.2.3 nur.repos.materus.amdgpu-pro-libs.amf AMD Advanced Multimedia Framework
amdgpu-firmware-6.2.3 nur.repos.materus.amdgpu-pro-libs.firmware AMDGPU Firmware, needed to be in sync for AMF to work
amdgpu-pro-opengl-64-6.2.3 nur.repos.materus.amdgpu-pro-libs.opengl AMD Proprietary Driver For OpenGL
amdgpu-pro-prefixes nur.repos.materus.amdgpu-pro-libs.prefixes AMDGPU Pro helper prefixes
amdgpu-pro-vulkan-64-6.2.3 nur.repos.materus.amdgpu-pro-libs.vulkan AMD Proprietary Driver For Vulkan
fbset-2.1-33 nur.repos.materus.fbset Program to modify settings for the framebuffer devices (/dev/fb[0-9]* or /dev/fb/[0-9]*) on Linux, like depth, virtual resolution, timing parameters etc.
ffmpeg-full-7.1.1 nur.repos.materus.ffmpeg_7-amf-full Complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video
lh2ctrl-1.1.0 nur.repos.materus.lh2ctrl Power management of Valve v2 lighthouses over Bluetooth LE
polymc-6.1 nur.repos.materus.polymc A free, open source launcher for Minecraft
polymc-qt5-6.1 nur.repos.materus.polymc-qt5 A free, open source launcher for Minecraft
svt-av1-psy-2.2.1 nur.repos.materus.svt-av1-psy The Scalable Video Technology for AV1 (SVT-AV1 Encoder and Decoder) with perceptual enhancements for psychovisually optimal AV1 encoding
vpk_fuse-15042023 nur.repos.materus.vpk_fuse A FUSE filesystem which can open Valve PacKage files (VPK).