

Name Attribute Description
clock-weather-card-2.8.3 nur.repos.mrene.clock-weather-card A Home Assistant Card indicating today’s date/time, along with an iOS inspired weather forecast for the next days with animated icons
python3.13-connectlife-ha-0.16.0 nur.repos.mrene.connectlife-ha ConnectLife integration for Home Assistant
fan-control-unstable-2024-10-31 Control your fans with different behaviors
gnuradio-wrapped- nur.repos.mrene.gnuradio-boost181 Software Defined Radio (SDR) software
gr-fhss-utils-unstable-2023-08-17 Bursty modem utilities
gr-foo-unstable-2023-07-28 Some GNU Radio blocks that I use
gr-fosphor-unstable-2024-03-23 GNURadio block for spectrum visualization using GPU; mirror of
gr-ieee802-15-4-unstable-2023-07-28 IEEE 802.15.4 ZigBee Transceiver
gr-pdu-utils-unstable-2022-11-28 GNU Radio PDU Utilities
gr-sandia-utils-unstable-2022-12-05 Misc blocks
gr-timing-utils-unstable-2023-02-15 GNU Radio Timing Utilties
hass-browser-mod-2.3.1 nur.repos.mrene.hass-browser-mod A Home Assistant integration to turn your browser into a controllable entity and media player
hctl-0.5-unstable-2024-10-27 nur.repos.mrene.hctl A tool to control your Home Assistant devices from the command-line
hydroqc2mqtt-1.3.0 nur.repos.mrene.hydroqc2mqtt MQTT daemon that sends your Hydro-Quebec account information to your MQTT server for consumption by Home-Assistant or other home automation platforms. Docs: [](
ice9-bluetooth-sniffer-unstable-2023-10-04 nur.repos.mrene.ice9-bluetooth-sniffer Wireshark-compatible all-channel BLE sniffer for bladeRF, with wideband Bluetooth sniffing for HackRF and USRP
iproute2mac-1.5.3 nur.repos.mrene.iproute2mac CLI wrapper for basic network utilites on Mac OS X inspired with iproute2 on Linux systems - ip command
irp-transmogrifier-1.2.13 nur.repos.mrene.irp-transmogrifier Parser for IRP notation protocols, with rendering, code generation, and decoding
jira-cli-go-1.5.1 nur.repos.mrene.jira-cli-go Feature-rich interactive Jira command line
lovelace-auto-entities-1.13.0 nur.repos.mrene.lovelace-auto-entities Automatically populate the entities-list of lovelace cards
lovelace-big-slider-card-1.1.5 nur.repos.mrene.lovelace-big-slider-card A card with a big slider for light entities in Home Assistant
mushroom-4.2.1 nur.repos.mrene.lovelace-mushroom Mushroom Cards - Build a beautiful dashboard easily
lovelace-slider-entity-row-17.4.1 nur.repos.mrene.lovelace-slider-entity-row Add sliders to entity cards
python3.13-openrgb-ha-2-unstable-2024-10-2 nur.repos.mrene.openrgb-ha OpenRGB integration for Home Assistant
openrgb-0.9 nur.repos.mrene.openrgb-sdnotify OpenRGB is a utility designed to manage RGB lighting for devices supporting the OpenRGB SDK (with systemd SD_NOTIFY patch)
ot-br-posix-unstable-2024-09-27 nur.repos.mrene.openthread-border-router A Thread border router for POSIX-based platforms
pathfind nur.repos.mrene.pathfind Find the full path to a given pid
pyspinel-unstable-2023-09-21 nur.repos.mrene.pyspinel Python CLI to configure and manage OpenThread NCPs
rx-tools-unstable-2019-03-31 nur.repos.mrene.rx-tools Rx_fm, rx_power, and rx_sdr tools for receiving data from SDRs, based on rtl_fm, rtl_power, and rtl_sdr from librtlsdr, but using the SoapySDR vendor-neutral SDR support library instead, intended to support a wider range of devices than RTL-SDR
timer-bar-card-unstable-2024-05-05 nur.repos.mrene.timer-bar-card A progress bar display for Home Assistant timers
trunk-recorder-5.0.0 nur.repos.mrene.trunk-recorder Records calls from a Trunked Radio System (P25 & SmartNet)
wireshark-wrapped nur.repos.mrene.wireshark-extcap Powerful network protocol analyzer