

Name Attribute Description
anti-ocr-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.anti-ocr Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
apotris-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.apotris Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
arch-run-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.arch-run Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
avbroot-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.avbroot Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
bepass-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.bepass Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
bkworm-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.bkworm Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
canokey-manager-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.canokey-manager Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
dnsproxy-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.dnsproxy Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
foliate-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.foliate Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
geo-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.geo Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
gg-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.gg Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
glider-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.glider Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
glowsans-j-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.glowsans-j Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
glowsans-sc-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.glowsans-sc Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
glowsans-tc-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.glowsans-tc Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
guix-run-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.guix-run Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
jlink-udev-rules-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.jlink-udev-rules Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
ktistec-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.ktistec Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
lemurs-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.lemurs Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
lunar-run-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.lunar-run Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
lxgw-neo-xihei-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.lxgw-neo-xihei Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
maoken-tangyuan-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.maoken-tangyuan Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
metacubexd-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.metacubexd Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
mieru-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.mieru Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
moproxy-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.moproxy Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
mosdns-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.mosdns Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
mosproxy-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.mosproxy Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
nesquic-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.nesquic Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
nrf-udev-rules-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.nrf-udev-rules Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
opensk-udev-rules-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.opensk-udev-rules Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
oppo-sans-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.oppo-sans Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
opulr-a-run-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.opulr-a-run Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
paperback-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.paperback Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
pingtunnel-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.pingtunnel Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
plangothic-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.plangothic Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
realm-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.realm Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
restls-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.restls Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
runbkworm-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.runbkworm Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
runwin-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.runwin Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
rustypaste-cli-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.rustypaste-cli Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
san-francisco-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.san-francisco Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
sbctl-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.sbctl Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
sha3sum-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.sha3sum Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
shadow-tls-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.shadow-tls Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
srs-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.srs Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
ubt-rv-run-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.ubt-rv-run Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*
violet-0.0.301-redirect nur.repos.oluceps.violet Please invoke this with flake input, not avaliable with nur.repos.me.*