

Name Attribute Description
aamath-0.3 nur.repos.sikmir.aamath ASCII art mathematics
abstreet-0.3.49 nur.repos.sikmir.abstreet Transportation planning and traffic simulation software
acarsdec-3.7 nur.repos.sikmir.acarsdec ACARS SDR decoder
acp-0.3.0 nur.repos.sikmir.acp Make terminal personal file transfers as simple as cp
adsb_deku-2024.09.02 nur.repos.sikmir.adsb_deku Rust ADS-B decoder + tui radar application
agunua-1.7.1 nur.repos.sikmir.agunua Python library for the development of Gemini clients
ais-catcher-0.61 nur.repos.sikmir.ais-catcher A multi-platform AIS Receiver
ajv-cli-6.0.0-beta.4 nur.repos.sikmir.ajv-cli Command-line interface for Ajv JSON Validator
akasa-0.1.1 nur.repos.sikmir.akasa A high performance, low latency and high extendable MQTT server in Rust
Amethyst-0.21.2 nur.repos.sikmir.amethyst Automatic tiling window manager for macOS à la xmonad
amqtt-0.10.1-unstable-2025-01-08 nur.repos.sikmir.amqtt MQTT client/broker using Python asyncio
amused-0.16 nur.repos.sikmir.amused music player daemon NIH
apibackuper-1.0.6 nur.repos.sikmir.apibackuper Python library and cmd tool to backup API calls
aprsc-2.1.19 nur.repos.sikmir.aprsc A core APRS-IS server
arcgis2geojson-3.0.2 nur.repos.sikmir.arcgis2geojson A Python library for converting ArcGIS JSON to GeoJSON
arduinojson-6.20.0 nur.repos.sikmir.arduinojson JSON library for Arduino and embedded C++
ascii-dash-1.3 nur.repos.sikmir.ascii-dash Remake of BOULDER DASH with NCurses
astronaut-0.1.3 nur.repos.sikmir.astronaut A Gemini browser for the terminal
basecamp-4.8.11 nur.repos.sikmir.basecamp BaseCamp lets you plan outdoor activities, organize your data and share your adventures with others
bash-completor-0.1.0 nur.repos.sikmir.bash-completor Creating a bash completion script in a declarative way
bbox-0.6.2 nur.repos.sikmir.bbox BBOX services
blind-1.1 nur.repos.sikmir.blind Collection of command line video editing utilities
python3.12-bounded-pool-executor-0.0.3 nur.repos.sikmir.bounded-pool-executor Bounded Process&Thread Pool Executor
btpd-2020-04-07 nur.repos.sikmir.btpd The BitTorrent Protocol Daemon
bwh-1.0.3 nur.repos.sikmir.bwh Bitwise Harmony - simple synth tracker
python3.12-c2cwsgiutils-5.1.5 nur.repos.sikmir.c2cwsgiutils Common utilities for Camptocamp WSGI applications
capture2text-4.6.2 nur.repos.sikmir.capture2text Capture2Text enables users to quickly OCR a portion of the screen using a keyboard shortcut
cfiles-1.8 nur.repos.sikmir.cfiles A ncurses file manager written in C with vim like keybindings
cgpsmapper-0093c nur.repos.sikmir.cgpsmapper GIS converter into GARMIN compatible format maps
chasquid-1.14.0 nur.repos.sikmir.chasquid SMTP (email) server with a focus on simplicity, security, and ease of operation
chdk-1.6.1 nur.repos.sikmir.chdk Canon Hack Development Kit
chibicc-0-unstable-2020-12-07 nur.repos.sikmir.chibicc A small C compiler
python3.12-click-6.7 Create beautiful command line interfaces in Python
python3.12-cmocean-4.0.3 nur.repos.sikmir.cmocean Colormap setup for standardizing commonly-plotting oceanographic variables
cmpgpx-0-unstable-2015-06-05 nur.repos.sikmir.cmpgpx Show the differences between GPX files
python3.12-cogdumper-0.5.0 nur.repos.sikmir.cogdumper Dumps tiles out of a cloud optimized geotiff
python3.12-cogeo-mosaic-8.0.0 nur.repos.sikmir.cogeo-mosaic Create and use COG mosaic based on mosaicJSON
comitium-1.8.1 nur.repos.sikmir.comitium A feed aggregator for gemini supporting many formats and protocols
comqtt-2.6.0 nur.repos.sikmir.comqtt A lightweight, high-performance go mqtt server
python3.12-config-path-1.0.5 nur.repos.sikmir.config-path Python library to work with paths to config folders and files in an OS independent way
python3.12-contextily-1.6.0 nur.repos.sikmir.contextily Context geo-tiles in Python
cproc-0-unstable-2024-04-27 nur.repos.sikmir.cproc C11 compiler using QBE as a backend
csv2html-3.1.1 nur.repos.sikmir.csv2html Convert CSV files to HTML tables
csvtools-0-unstable-2023-10-10 nur.repos.sikmir.csvtools GNU-alike tools for parsing RFC 4180 CSVs at high speed
cudatext-bin- nur.repos.sikmir.cudatext-bin Cross-platform code editor
python3.12-curses-menu-0.7.0 nur.repos.sikmir.curses-menu A simple console menu system using curses
python3.12-cykhash-2.0.1 nur.repos.sikmir.cykhash cython wrapper for khash
darktable-bin-5.0.0 nur.repos.sikmir.darktable-bin Virtual lighttable and darkroom for photographers
datamaps-0-unstable-2014-08-19 nur.repos.sikmir.datamaps Indexes points and lines and generates map tiles to display them
deegree-3.5.8 nur.repos.sikmir.deegree Open source software for spatial data infrastructures and the geospatial web
diagon-1.1.158 nur.repos.sikmir.diagon Interactive ASCII art diagram generators
dict2rest-0-unstable-2016-12-05 nur.repos.sikmir.dict2rest A simple proxy service providing an HTTP interface to a Dict protocol (RFC 2229) server
python3.12-distance-2013-11-22 nur.repos.sikmir.distance Utilities for comparing sequences
dns-filter-0-unstable-2021-04-14 nur.repos.sikmir.dns-filter Tiny DNS server with filtering requests
docker-reg-tool-0-unstable-2023-10-26 nur.repos.sikmir.docker-reg-tool Docker registry cli tool, primarily for deleting images
docx2csv-0-unstable-2023-10-11 nur.repos.sikmir.docx2csv Extracts tables from .docx files and saves them as .csv or .xls files
dragon-1.2.0 nur.repos.sikmir.dragon Drag and drop source/target for X
dtree-0.2.11 nur.repos.sikmir.dtree Command line program to draw trees
dump1090_rs-0.8.1 nur.repos.sikmir.dump1090_rs Multi-SDR supported Rust translation of the popular dump1090 project for ADS-B demodulation
dumphfdl-1.6.1 nur.repos.sikmir.dumphfdl Multichannel HFDL decoder
dumpvdl2-2.4.0 nur.repos.sikmir.dumpvdl2 VDL Mode 2 message decoder and protocol analyzer
python3.12-earthaccess-0.11.0 nur.repos.sikmir.earthaccess Client library for NASA Earthdata APIs
python3.12-earthpy-0.9.4 nur.repos.sikmir.earthpy A package built to support working with spatial data using open source python
edit-0-unstable-2024-02-04 nur.repos.sikmir.edit A suckless, simple, featured text editor
elevation-1.1.3 nur.repos.sikmir.elevation Python script to download global terrain digital elevation models, SRTM 30m DEM and SRTM 90m DEM
elevation-server-1.2.0-unstable-2024-09-11 nur.repos.sikmir.elevation-server The server providing elevation data
embox-aarch64-qemu-0.6.5 nur.repos.sikmir.embox-aarch64 Modular and configurable OS for embedded applications
embox-arm-qemu-0.6.5 nur.repos.sikmir.embox-arm Modular and configurable OS for embedded applications
embox-ppc-qemu-0.6.5 nur.repos.sikmir.embox-ppc Modular and configurable OS for embedded applications
embox-riscv64-qemu-0.6.5 nur.repos.sikmir.embox-riscv64 Modular and configurable OS for embedded applications
embox-x86-qemu-0.6.5 nur.repos.sikmir.embox-x86 Modular and configurable OS for embedded applications
eva-0.4.1 nur.repos.sikmir.eva Gemini protocol browser written in Rust using the gtk+ toolkit
exercisediary-0.1.9 nur.repos.sikmir.exercisediary Workout diary with GitHub-style year visualization
farbfeld-utils-0-unstable-2022-12-16 nur.repos.sikmir.farbfeld-utils Collection of utilities for farbfeld picture format
ff-tools-0-unstable-2019-06-08 nur.repos.sikmir.ff-tools A collection of farbfeld tools
ffs-0.1.2 nur.repos.sikmir.ffs the file filesystem
ffshot-1.0.0 nur.repos.sikmir.ffshot farbfeld screenshot utility
finch-1.7.1 nur.repos.sikmir.finch Client for container development
python3.12-fitdecode-0.10.0 nur.repos.sikmir.fitdecode FIT file parser and decoder
fmreceiver-2.1 nur.repos.sikmir.fmreceiver A simple FM receiver
freeopcua-0-unstable-2023-05-30 nur.repos.sikmir.freeopcua Open Source C++ OPC-UA Server and Client Library
freizeitkarte-osm-2023-12-09 nur.repos.sikmir.freizeitkarte-osm Freizeitkarte map with DEM (Digital Elevation Model) and hillshading
gaiagpsclient-0-unstable-2023-08-26 nur.repos.sikmir.gaiagpsclient A python client for
garmin-uploader-1.0.9 nur.repos.sikmir.garmin-uploader Garmin Connect Python Uploader
garmindev-0.3.4 nur.repos.sikmir.garmindev Garmin Device Drivers for QlandkarteGT
garminimg-0-unstable-2021-01-07 nur.repos.sikmir.garminimg Encode/decode a Garmin IMG file
garta-0.1.0-unstable-2021-02-08 nur.repos.sikmir.garta Geo-bookmarking, GPX viewer, analyzer and editor for GTK3
gcgn-converter-08.07.2023 nur.repos.sikmir.gcgn-converter Ковертер ГКГН из PDF в GeoJSON
gdcv-0-unstable-2023-08-27 nur.repos.sikmir.gdcv GoldenDict console version and emacs dynamic module
gelim-0.9.3 nur.repos.sikmir.gelim A minimalist line-mode smolnet client written in go
gem-0-unstable-2024-08-29 nur.repos.sikmir.gem gemini server
gemcert-2020-08-01 nur.repos.sikmir.gemcert A simple tool for creating self-signed certs for use in Geminispace
gemgen-0.6.0 nur.repos.sikmir.gemgen Markdown to Gemtext generator
gemini-ipfs-gateway-0-unstable-2023-10-19 nur.repos.sikmir.gemini-ipfs-gateway IPFS access over the Gemini protocol
geminid-0-unstable-2022-04-15 nur.repos.sikmir.geminid Gemini Server in C
gemreader-0-unstable-2021-03-08 nur.repos.sikmir.gemreader Feed reader for the Geminispace
gemserv-0.6.6 nur.repos.sikmir.gemserv A gemini server written in rust
python3.12-geoarrow-c-0.1.2 nur.repos.sikmir.geoarrow-c Experimental C and C++ implementation of the GeoArrow specification
python3.12-geoarrow-pandas-0.1.2 nur.repos.sikmir.geoarrow-pandas Python implementation of the GeoArrow specification
python3.12-geoarrow-pyarrow-0.1.2 nur.repos.sikmir.geoarrow-pyarrow Python implementation of the GeoArrow specification
python3.12-geojson-pydantic-1.1.2 nur.repos.sikmir.geojson-pydantic Pydantic data models for the GeoJSON spec
geojson2dm-0-unstable-2025-01-29 nur.repos.sikmir.geojson2dm Convert GeoJSON to format suitable for input to datamaps
python3.12-geotiler-0.15.0 nur.repos.sikmir.geotiler GeoTiler is a library to create map using tiles from a map provider
geowebcache-1.26.2 nur.repos.sikmir.geowebcache Tile caching server implemented in Java
gimgtools-0.01-unstable-2013-09-19 nur.repos.sikmir.gimgtools Garmin Image Tools
git-tui-1.1.0 nur.repos.sikmir.git-tui Collection of human friendly terminal interface for git
gloggery-1.0 nur.repos.sikmir.gloggery Gemtext blog static site generator
gmaptool-0.8.220 nur.repos.sikmir.gmaptool Program for splitting and merging maps in Garmin format
gmi2html-0.6.0 nur.repos.sikmir.gmi2html Translate text/gemini into HTML
gmnhg-0.4.2 nur.repos.sikmir.gmnhg Hugo-to-Gemini Markdown converter
gmnigit-0-unstable-2022-01-10 nur.repos.sikmir.gmnigit Static git gemini viewer
gnsstk-14.3.0 nur.repos.sikmir.gnsstk GNSSTk libraries
gnsstk-apps-14.1.1 nur.repos.sikmir.gnsstk-apps GNSSTk applications suite
go-mqtt-to-influxdb-0.0.7 nur.repos.sikmir.go-mqtt-to-influxdb Bridge to write MQTT to InfluxDB
go-staticmaps-0-unstable-2025-02-06 nur.repos.sikmir.go-staticmaps A go (golang) library and command line tool to render static map images using OpenStreetMap tiles
goestools-0-unstable-2024-02-10 nur.repos.sikmir.goestools Tools to work with signals and files from GOES satellites
goldencheetah-bin-3.5 nur.repos.sikmir.goldencheetah-bin Performance software for cyclists, runners and triathletes
goldendict-arc-dark-theme-2020-04-06 nur.repos.sikmir.goldendict-arc-dark-theme GoldenDict Arc Dark Theme
goldendict-bin-1.5.0-RC2-372-gc3ff15f nur.repos.sikmir.goldendict-bin A feature-rich dictionary lookup program
goldendict-dark-theme-2018-11-08 nur.repos.sikmir.goldendict-dark-theme GoldenDict Dark Theme
gplaces-0.19.8 nur.repos.sikmir.gplaces A simple terminal based Gemini client
gprox-0-unstable-2024-07-07 nur.repos.sikmir.gprox Tool to process .gpx files
gps-sdr-sim-0-unstable-2024-12-23 nur.repos.sikmir.gps-sdr-sim Software-Defined GPS Signal Simulator
gps-whatsnew-2017-01-23 nur.repos.sikmir.gps-whatsnew Compare gpx tracks to find new segments (places never traveled before)
gpsdate-0-unstable-2019-12-02 nur.repos.sikmir.gpsdate Simple tool for fetching date and time from a GPS receiver and saving it as a local time
gpx-animator-1.8.2 nur.repos.sikmir.gpx-animator GPX Animator
gpx-cmd-tools-0-unstable-2020-08-08 nur.repos.sikmir.gpx-cmd-tools Set of GPX command-line utilities
gpx-converter-0-unstable-2023-04-07 nur.repos.sikmir.gpx-converter Python package for manipulating gpx files and easily convert gpx to other different formats
gpx-interpolate-0-unstable-2023-10-28 nur.repos.sikmir.gpx-interpolate Python script to interpolate GPX files using piecewise cubic Hermite splines
perl5.40.0-gpx-layer-0-unstable-2013-09-19 nur.repos.sikmir.gpx-layer Tools to turn GPX files into a GPS map tracing layer
gpx2video-0-unstable-2015-02-07 nur.repos.sikmir.gpx2video Creating video with telemetry overlay from GPX data
gpx2yaml-0-unstable-2025-01-29 nur.repos.sikmir.gpx2yaml GPX to YAML converter
gpxchart-0.0.1 nur.repos.sikmir.gpxchart A command-line tool and library for elevation charts from GPX files
gpxeditor-1.8.0 nur.repos.sikmir.gpxeditor Load, modify and save your GPX files
gpxelevations-0.3.7 nur.repos.sikmir.gpxelevations Geo elevation data parser for “The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission” data
gpxlib-0-unstable-2021-02-16 nur.repos.sikmir.gpxlib A c++ library for parsing, browsing, changing and writing of GPX files
gpxsee-maps-2023-07-20 nur.repos.sikmir.gpxsee-maps GPXSee maps
gpxtools-0-unstable-2023-08-13 nur.repos.sikmir.gpxtools A collection of c++ tools for using GPX files
gpxtrackposter-0-unstable-2024-06-02 nur.repos.sikmir.gpxtrackposter Create a visually appealing poster from your GPX tracks
gqrx-scanner-1.0.5 nur.repos.sikmir.gqrx-scanner A frequency scanner for Gqrx Software Defined Radio receiver
graphene-2.13 nur.repos.sikmir.graphene A simple time series database based on BerkleyDB
gssg-0-unstable-2023-05-29 nur.repos.sikmir.gssg A gemini static site generator
gt-bash-client-1.2 Get translated text from your terminal! Console Google Translate Script (bash+curl+sed)
gt4gd-1.3.9 nur.repos.sikmir.gt4gd Add Google translate to GoldenDict
gurl-0.1-unstable-2023-08-23 nur.repos.sikmir.gurl A curl-like cli application to interact with Gemini sites
python3.12-hardpy-0.4.0 nur.repos.sikmir.hardpy HardPy library for device testing
heapusage-2.07 nur.repos.sikmir.heapusage Light-weight tool for finding heap memory errors
hecate-0.87.0 nur.repos.sikmir.hecate Fast Geospatial Feature Storage API
hmq-1.5.6 nur.repos.sikmir.hmq High performance mqtt broker
how-to-use-pvs-studio-free-7.34 How to use PVS-Studio for Free?
huami-token-0.7.0 nur.repos.sikmir.huami-token Script to obtain watch or band bluetooth token from Huami servers
hurl-0.8 nur.repos.sikmir.hurl Relatively simple HTTP, HTTPS and Gopher client/file grabber
i18n-editor-2.0.0-beta.1 nur.repos.sikmir.i18n-editor GUI for editing your i18n translation files
imgdecode-1.1 nur.repos.sikmir.imgdecode IMG Decoder
imscript-0-unstable-2024-12-31 nur.repos.sikmir.imscript A collection of small and standalone utilities for image processing
imsg-compat-8.0.0 nur.repos.sikmir.imsg-compat Unofficial port of OpenBSD’s imsg utilities
ionscale-0.16.0 nur.repos.sikmir.ionscale A lightweight implementation of a Tailscale control server
ioxy-0-unstable-2023-08-20 nur.repos.sikmir.ioxy MQTT intercepting proxy
ish-0.2 nur.repos.sikmir.ish ICMP Shell
iso15765-canbus-0-unstable-2024-01-17 nur.repos.sikmir.iso15765-canbus Implementation of ISO15765-2 in C
isotp-c-1.1.2 nur.repos.sikmir.isotp-c An implementation of the ISO-TP (ISO15765-2) CAN protocol in C
it-sanasto-2020-02-27 IT-alan englanti-suomi -sanasto
janus-mqtt-proxy-0-unstable-2022-02-19 nur.repos.sikmir.janus-mqtt-proxy MITM proxy which can filter and modify MQTT packets
json-tui-1.3.0 nur.repos.sikmir.json-tui A JSON terminal UI made in C++
python3.12-jsonseq-1.0.0 nur.repos.sikmir.jsonseq Python implementation of RFC 7464
jsontoolkit-2.0.0 nur.repos.sikmir.jsontoolkit JSON Toolkit is a swiss-army knife for JSON programming in modern C++
kealib-1.6.1 nur.repos.sikmir.kealib KEALib provides an implementation of the GDAL data model
kilo-0-unstable-2025-01-04 nur.repos.sikmir.kilo A text editor in less than 1000 LOC with syntax highlight and search
kineto-0-unstable-2021-11-04 nur.repos.sikmir.kineto An HTTP to Gemini proxy
klogg-2021-09-27 nur.repos.sikmir.klogg A fast, advanced log explorer based on glogg project
klogg-bin-22.06 nur.repos.sikmir.klogg-bin A fast, advanced log explorer based on glogg project
komputeko-2021-05-28 nur.repos.sikmir.komputeko Prikomputila terminokolekto
lacc-0-unstable-2022-05-21 nur.repos.sikmir.lacc A simple, self-hosting C compiler
lazyscraper-2020-05-19 nur.repos.sikmir.lazyscraper Lazy helper tool to make easier scraping with simple tasks
lbm-0-unstable-2023-12-06 nur.repos.sikmir.lbm A simple Bluetooth manager
lchat-1.0-unstable-2024-07-14 nur.repos.sikmir.lchat line chat is a simple and elegant front end for ii-like chat programs
lel-0.2 nur.repos.sikmir.lel Farbfeld image viewer
level0-2024-06-24 nur.repos.sikmir.level0 Web-based OpenStreetMap Editor
libacars-2.2.0 nur.repos.sikmir.libacars A library for decoding various ACARS message payloads
libgarmin-0-unstable-2008-12-27 nur.repos.sikmir.libgarmin Garmin IMG format library
libgeodesk-0.1 nur.repos.sikmir.libgeodesk Fast and storage-efficient spatial database engine for OpenStreetMap data
libgnunetchat-0.5.2 nur.repos.sikmir.libgnunetchat A client-side library for applications to utilize the Messenger service of GNUnet
libmdbx-0.13.3 nur.repos.sikmir.libmdbx Extremely fast, compact, powerful, embedded, transactional key-value database
libnbcompat-1.0.1 nur.repos.sikmir.libnbcompat Portable NetBSD-compatibility library
libredict-2023-05-20 nur.repos.sikmir.libredict Wiktionary dictionaries for StarDict
libshell-0.4.13 nur.repos.sikmir.libshell A library of shell functions
libsockcanpp-0-unstable-2024-03-06 nur.repos.sikmir.libsockcanpp A C++ wrapper around Linux’s socketcan featureset
libst-0-unstable-2021-06-06 nur.repos.sikmir.libst Suckless Terminal ANSI parser
libumqtt-1.1.1 nur.repos.sikmir.libumqtt A Lightweight and fully asynchronous MQTT client C library based on libev
libutf-0.1-unstable-2018-11-13 nur.repos.sikmir.libutf Plan 9 compatible UTF-8 C library
linrad-2024-04-26 nur.repos.sikmir.linrad Software defined radio receiver for x11
localtileserver-0.10.5 nur.repos.sikmir.localtileserver Local Tile Server for Geospatial Rasters
lsdreader-0.2.15 nur.repos.sikmir.lsdreader Decompile Lingvo LSD dictionary to DSL
lunasvg-3.2.1 nur.repos.sikmir.lunasvg SVG rendering and manipulation library in C++
MacPass-0.8.1 nur.repos.sikmir.macpass A native OS X KeePass client
macsvg-1.2.0 nur.repos.sikmir.macsvg An open-source macOS app for designing HTML5 SVG
mage-0.8-unstable-2022-12-30 nur.repos.sikmir.mage iMAGE viewer
makel-0-unstable-2022-01-24 nur.repos.sikmir.makel Makefile linter
map-machine-0.1.9 A simple renderer for OpenStreetMap with custom icons
map-stylizer-0-unstable-2020-06-30 GUI written in Python to parse OSM (OpenStreetMap) files and render them onscreen
map-tiler-0-unstable-2022-08-06 Raster maps to map tiles
maperitive-2.4.3 nur.repos.sikmir.maperitive Desktop application for drawing maps based on OpenStreetMap and GPS data
mapillary-render-1.1.0 nur.repos.sikmir.mapillary-render Mapillary render
python3.10-maprec-0-unstable-2023-04-18 nur.repos.sikmir.maprec
python3.12-maproulette-python-client-1.8.1 nur.repos.sikmir.maproulette-python-client A Python API wrapper for MapRoulette
mapsoft-20220624-alt1 nur.repos.sikmir.mapsoft Mapping software for linux
mapsoft2-2.9-alt1-unstable-2025-01-29 nur.repos.sikmir.mapsoft2 A collection of tools and libraries for working with maps and geo-data
maptourist-2024-11-10 nur.repos.sikmir.maptourist Ежедневная сборка карт из данных OpenStreetMap для навигационных приборов и приложений Garmin
marta-0.8.1 nur.repos.sikmir.marta File Manager for macOS
mbtiles2osmand-0-unstable-2021-01-01 nur.repos.sikmir.mbtiles2osmand Converts mbtiles format to sqlitedb format suitable for OsmAnd and RMaps
mbutiles-0.1.0-unstable-2024-04-12 nur.repos.sikmir.mbutiles mbtiles utility in Rust, generate MBTiles from tiles directories and extract tiles from MBTiles file
md2html-2.0.1 nur.repos.sikmir.md2html Markdown to single HTML
mdtohtml-0.1.3 nur.repos.sikmir.mdtohtml Markdown to HTML converter
memphis-0.2.3 nur.repos.sikmir.memphis Map-rendering for OpenStreetMap
messenger-cli-0.3.1 nur.repos.sikmir.messenger-cli A CLI for the Messenger service of GNUnet
messenger-gtk-0.10.2 nur.repos.sikmir.messenger-gtk A GTK based GUI for the Messenger service of GNUnet
miband4-0-unstable-2022-10-07 nur.repos.sikmir.miband4 Access Xiaomi MiBand 4 from Linux using Bluetooth LE
microjson-0.1.0 nur.repos.sikmir.microjson Tiny streaming json deserializer
python3.12-mikatools-1.0.1 nur.repos.sikmir.mikatools Mikatools provides fast and easy methods for common Python coding tasks
mitzasql-1.4.4 nur.repos.sikmir.mitzasql MySQL command line / text based interface client
mjs-2.20.0 nur.repos.sikmir.mjs Embedded JavaScript engine for C/C++
mochi-2.7.7 nur.repos.sikmir.mochi The fully compliant, embeddable high-performance Go MQTT v5 server for IoT, smarthome, and pubsub
modbus-tools-0.2 nur.repos.sikmir.modbus-tools Tool(s) for working with Modbus protocol
modbus_sim_cli-0-unstable-2019-02-27 nur.repos.sikmir.modbus_sim_cli Modbus simulation command line version
python3.10-modbus_tk-1.1.1 nur.repos.sikmir.modbus_tk Implementation of modbus protocol in python
mongoose-7.13 nur.repos.sikmir.mongoose Embedded Web Server
morse-talk-2016-12-25 nur.repos.sikmir.morse-talk A Python library written for Morse Code
mproxy-0.3.0 nur.repos.sikmir.mproxy MQTT proxy
mqcontrol-0.5.0 nur.repos.sikmir.mqcontrol Cross-platform utility to execute commands remotely using MQTT
mqtt-benchmark-0.2.0 nur.repos.sikmir.mqtt-benchmark MQTT broker benchmarking tool
MQTT-C-1.1.6 nur.repos.sikmir.mqtt-c A portable MQTT C client for embedded systems and PCs alike
mqtt-cli-4.37.0 nur.repos.sikmir.mqtt-cli MQTT CLI
mqtt-launcher-0-unstable-2021-09-17 nur.repos.sikmir.mqtt-launcher Execute shell commands triggered by published MQTT messages
python3.12-mqtt-logger-0.3.6 nur.repos.sikmir.mqtt-logger Python based MQTT to SQLite3 logger
mqtt-proxy-0.5.0 nur.repos.sikmir.mqtt-proxy MQTT Proxy allows MQTT clients to send messages to other messaging systems
mqtt-shell-2.3.0 nur.repos.sikmir.mqtt-shell A interactive shell-like command line interface (CLI) for MQTT
mqtt-stats-0-unstable-2023-07-13 nur.repos.sikmir.mqtt-stats MQTT Topic Statistics
mqtt-stresser-4 nur.repos.sikmir.mqtt-stresser Load testing tool to stress MQTT message broker
mqtt-to-influxdb-0.2.1 nur.repos.sikmir.mqtt-to-influxdb MQTT message parser for writing statistics into InfluxDB
mqtt-to-influxdb-forwarder-2.1.0 nur.repos.sikmir.mqtt-to-influxdb-forwarder IoT MQTT to InfluxDB forwarder
mqttwarn-0.35.0 nur.repos.sikmir.mqttwarn A highly configurable MQTT message router, where the routing targets are notification plugins
mtk-suomi-2024-01-23 nur.repos.sikmir.mtk-suomi Maanmittauslaitoksen peruskartan tasoiset ja näköiset ilmaiset maastokartat
musig-1.0.0 nur.repos.sikmir.musig A shazam like tool to store songs fingerprints and retrieve them
mysql-to-sqlite3-2.1.9 nur.repos.sikmir.mysql-to-sqlite3 Transfer data from MySQL to SQLite
nanodns-0-unstable-2021-10-29 nur.repos.sikmir.nanodns Simple dns forwarder/cache blocker server
nng-0.10.5 nur.repos.sikmir.nanosdk Nanomsg next generation
nextvi-0-unstable-2024-12-29 nur.repos.sikmir.nextvi Next version of neatvi (a small vi/ex editor)
nmtree-1.0.0 nur.repos.sikmir.nmtree NetBSD’s mtree(8) utility
objlab-0-unstable-2019-11-23 nur.repos.sikmir.objlab Simple wavefront .obj viewer
perl5.40.0-ocad2img-2009-10-11 nur.repos.sikmir.ocad2img Converter from OCAD map format to Garmin format
ocad2mp-1.14-unstable-2011-01-26 nur.repos.sikmir.ocad2mp Converter from OCAD map format to Polish format
ocelotgui-2.1.0 nur.repos.sikmir.ocelotgui GUI client for MySQL or MariaDB
odict-1.5.0 nur.repos.sikmir.odict A blazingly-fast portable dictionary file format
opcua-0.12.0-unstable-2024-10-09 nur.repos.sikmir.opcua Client and server implementation of the OPC UA specification written in Rust
openmtbmap-2020-06-10 nur.repos.sikmir.openmtbmap Linux script to extract and compile garmin *.img map files from or downloads
otm-armenia-250321 nur.repos.sikmir.opentopomap OpenTopoMap Garmin Edition
orbisgis-5.1.0 nur.repos.sikmir.orbisgis An opensource GIS software
osm-3s- nur.repos.sikmir.osm-3s A database engine to query the OpenStreetMap data
osm-area-tools-0-unstable-2024-12-16 nur.repos.sikmir.osm-area-tools OSM Area Tools
osm-extracts-250115 nur.repos.sikmir.osm-extracts Administrative boundaries
osm-gis-export-0-unstable-2024-12-16 nur.repos.sikmir.osm-gis-export Export OSM data to GIS formats like Shapefiles, Spatialite or PostGIS
osm-lump-ways-2.2.0 nur.repos.sikmir.osm-lump-ways Group OSM ways together based on topology & tags
osm-tags-transform-0-unstable-2023-08-06 nur.repos.sikmir.osm-tags-transform Transform tags in OSM files using Lua code
osm2geojson-0.1.33 nur.repos.sikmir.osm2geojson Convert OSM and Overpass JSON to GeoJSON
perl5.40.0-osm2mp-0-unstable-2018-08-31 nur.repos.sikmir.osm2mp Convert Openstreetmap data to MP format
osmcoastline-2.4.1 nur.repos.sikmir.osmcoastline Extracts coastline data from OpenStreetMap planet file
osmdbt-0.6 nur.repos.sikmir.osmdbt OSM Database Replication Tools
osmium-surplus-0-unstable-2024-12-16 nur.repos.sikmir.osmium-surplus Collection of assorted small programs based on the Osmium framework
osmosis-0.49.2 nur.repos.sikmir.osmosis Command line Java application for processing OSM data
osmptparser-2.1.0 nur.repos.sikmir.osmptparser Open Street Map Public Transport Parser
osmwalkthrough-0-unstable-2021-09-24 nur.repos.sikmir.osmwalkthrough Draw ways you want to walk through
ossim-2.12.0 nur.repos.sikmir.ossim Open Source Software Image Map library
overpassdb-250115 nur.repos.sikmir.overpassdb Overpass Database
python3.12-overpassforge-0.4.3 nur.repos.sikmir.overpassforge A library for generating OpenStreetMap’s Overpass QL queries from Python objects
python3.10-ozi-map-0-unstable-2022-08-05 nur.repos.sikmir.ozi-map Python module for reading OziExplorer .map files
phyghtmap-2.23 nur.repos.sikmir.phyghtmap Generate OSM contour lines from NASA SRTM data
pinentry-touchid-0.0.3 nur.repos.sikmir.pinentry-touchid Custom GPG pinentry program for macOS that allows using Touch ID
python3.12-pipfile-0.0.2 nur.repos.sikmir.pipfile Pipfile: the replacement for requirements.txt
pista-0.2.0 nur.repos.sikmir.pista Piped status: the ii of status bars!
planetiler-0.8.3 nur.repos.sikmir.planetiler Flexible tool to build planet-scale vector tilesets from OpenStreetMap data
playonmac-4.4.4 nur.repos.sikmir.playonmac GUI for managing Windows programs under macOS
plotjuggler-3.9.3 nur.repos.sikmir.plotjuggler The Time Series Visualization Tool
plutosvg-0.0.6 nur.repos.sikmir.plutosvg Tiny SVG rendering library in C
plutovg-1.0.0 nur.repos.sikmir.plutovg Tiny 2D vector graphics library in C
pmtiles-3.3 nur.repos.sikmir.pmtiles Library and utilities to write and read PMTiles files - cloud-optimized archives of map tiles
pnoise-0.2.0 nur.repos.sikmir.pnoise Vectorized port of Processing noise() function
podman-desktop-1.15.0 nur.repos.sikmir.podman-desktop-bin A graphical tool for developing on containers and Kubernetes
poe-1.8.6 nur.repos.sikmir.poe .po file editor
polytiles-0-unstable-2017-06-09 nur.repos.sikmir.polytiles A script to render tiles for an area with mapnik
polyvectorization-0-unstable-2019-08-23 nur.repos.sikmir.polyvectorization Reference implementation of Vectorization of Line Drawings via PolyVector Fields
python3.12-portolan-1.0.1 nur.repos.sikmir.portolan Convert between compass points and degrees
python3.12-pqdm-0.2.0 nur.repos.sikmir.pqdm Comfortable parallel TQDM using concurrent.futures
python3.12-prettymapp-0.5.0 nur.repos.sikmir.prettymapp Create beautiful maps from OpenStreetMap data in a webapp
ptunnel-0.72 nur.repos.sikmir.ptunnel A tool for reliably tunneling TCP connections over ICMP echo request and reply packets
pvs-studio-7.35.89253.317 nur.repos.sikmir.pvs-studio Static code analyzer for C, C++
gmi2html-1.0-unstable-2022-02-16 A library and CLI tool for converting text/gemini to text/html
py-osm-static-maps-0-unstable-2024-10-16 Python rewrite of jperelli/osm-static-maps
py-patcher-0-unstable-2024-12-13 A python version of Garmin firmware patcher
py-staticmaps-0.5.0 A python module to create static map images with markers, geodesic lines, etc
python3.12-pyarrow_ops-0-unstable-2022-01-30 nur.repos.sikmir.pyarrow_ops Convenient pyarrow operations following the Pandas API
python3.12-pycouchdb-1.16.0 nur.repos.sikmir.pycouchdb Modern pure python CouchDB Client
python3.12-pygnssutils-1.1.9 nur.repos.sikmir.pygnssutils GNSS Command Line Utilities
pygpsclient-1.5.1 nur.repos.sikmir.pygpsclient GNSS Diagnostic and UBX Configuration GUI Application
python3.10-pyimagequant-0-unstable-2022-06-10 nur.repos.sikmir.pyimagequant Python bindings for libimagequant (pngquant core)
python3.12-pymbtiles-0.5.0-unstable-2021-02-16 nur.repos.sikmir.pymbtiles Python utilities for Mapbox mbtiles files
python3.12-pyrobuf-0.9.3 nur.repos.sikmir.pyrobuf A Cython based protobuf compiler
python3.12-pyrosm-0.6.2 nur.repos.sikmir.pyrosm A Python tool to parse OSM data from Protobuf format into GeoDataFrame
python3.12-pyrtcm-1.1.2 nur.repos.sikmir.pyrtcm RTCM3 protocol parser
python3.12-pysheds-0.4 nur.repos.sikmir.pysheds Simple and fast watershed delineation in python
python3.12-pyspartn-1.0.5 nur.repos.sikmir.pyspartn SPARTN protocol parser
python3.12-pytest-docker-fixtures-1.3.19 nur.repos.sikmir.pytest-docker-fixtures Pytest docker fixtures
python3.12-pytest-mp-2019-03-11 nur.repos.sikmir.pytest-mp A test batcher for multiprocessed Pytest runs
python3.12-pytest-mqtt-0.4.1 nur.repos.sikmir.pytest-mqtt pytest-mqtt supports testing systems based on MQTT
python3.12-pytest-shell-utilities-1.9.3 nur.repos.sikmir.pytest-shell-utilities Pytest Shell Utilities
python3.12-pytest-skip-markers-1.5.1 nur.repos.sikmir.pytest-skip-markers A Pytest plugin which implements a few useful skip markers
python3.12-python-cmr-0.13.0 nur.repos.sikmir.python-cmr Python wrapper to the NASA Common Metadata Repository (CMR) API
python3.12-pytorchtext-0.10.1 nur.repos.sikmir.pytorchtext Text utilities and datasets for PyTorch
python3.12-pyubx2-1.2.49 nur.repos.sikmir.pyubx2 UBX protocol parser and generator
python3.12-pyubxutils-1.0.2 nur.repos.sikmir.pyubxutils Python UBX GNSS device command line utilities
python3.12-qasync-0.22.0 nur.repos.sikmir.qasync Python library for using asyncio in Qt-based applications
qlandkartegt-1.8.1 nur.repos.sikmir.qlandkartegt QLandkarte GT is the ultimate outdoor aficionado’s tool.It supports GPS maps in GeoTiff format as well as Garmin’s img vector map format.
qmapshack-onlinemaps-2024-07-29 nur.repos.sikmir.qmapshack-onlinemaps Onlinekarten einbinden
qoiview-0-unstable-2024-05-10 nur.repos.sikmir.qoiview QOI image viewer on top of the Sokol headers
qstudio-4.03 nur.repos.sikmir.qstudio SQL Analysis Tool
qtcreator-bin-16.0.0 nur.repos.sikmir.qtcreator-bin Cross-platform IDE tailored to the needs of Qt developers
qtpbfimageplugin-styles-2022-06-08 nur.repos.sikmir.qtpbfimageplugin-styles QtPBFImagePlugin styles
qute-gemini-1.0.0 nur.repos.sikmir.qute-gemini A qutebrowser userscripts that allows viewing Gemini pages
qutebrowser-bin-3.4.0 nur.repos.sikmir.qutebrowser-bin Keyboard-focused browser with a minimal GUI
radiolib-7.1.1 nur.repos.sikmir.radiolib Universal wireless communication library for embedded devices
render_geojson-0-unstable-2018-07-11 nur.repos.sikmir.render_geojson C++ geoJSON and topoJSON parser and rendering using the WxWidgets GUI library
repolocli-0-unstable-2021-04-06 nur.repos.sikmir.repolocli Repology commandline interface (and API)
python3.12-revtok-2018-09-21 nur.repos.sikmir.revtok Reversible tokenization in Python
rhttp-0-unstable-2024-04-22 nur.repos.sikmir.rhttp REPL for HTTP
riffraff-0.5.0-unstable-2022-10-25 nur.repos.sikmir.riffraff A commandline interface for Jenkins
python3.12-rio-cogeo-5.4.1 Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF creation and validation plugin for rasterio
python3.12-rio-color-2.0.1 Color correction plugin for rasterio
rio-mbtiles-1.6.0 A plugin command for the Rasterio CLI that exports a raster dataset to an MBTiles 1.1 SQLite file
python3.12-rio-mucho-1.0.0 Parallel processing wrapper for rasterio
python3.12-rio-stac-0.10.1 Create STAC item from raster datasets
python3.12-riverrem-1.1.0 nur.repos.sikmir.riverrem Make river relative elevation models (REM) and REM visualizations from an input digital elevation model (DEM)
rmqtt-0.10.0 nur.repos.sikmir.rmqtt MQTT Broker
routeconverter-3.1 nur.repos.sikmir.routeconverter A free tool to edit and convert routes, tracks and waypoints
routinodb-250115 nur.repos.sikmir.routinodb Routino Database
rsgislib-5.1.7 nur.repos.sikmir.rsgislib Remote Sensing and GIS Software Library
rst2txt-1.1.0 nur.repos.sikmir.rst2txt Convert reStructuredText to plain text
rtklib-2.4.3-b34 nur.repos.sikmir.rtklib An Open Source Program Package for GNSS Positioning
rtklib-demo5-b34k nur.repos.sikmir.rtklib-demo5 A version of RTKLIB optimized for single and dual frequency low cost GPS receivers
rtlsdr-airband-5.0.9 nur.repos.sikmir.rtlsdr-airband Multichannel AM/NFM demodulator
rtltcp-0.1.1 nur.repos.sikmir.rtltcp A rust implementation of rtl-tcp
rumqtt-0.19.0 nur.repos.sikmir.rumqtt The MQTT ecosystem in rust
python3.12-s2sphere-0.2.5 nur.repos.sikmir.s2sphere Python implementation of the S2 geometry library
saait-0.8 nur.repos.sikmir.saait The most boring static page generator
sasplanet-241111 nur.repos.sikmir.sasplanet SAS.Planet is a program designed for viewing and downloading high-resolution satellite imagery and conventional maps
satellite-1.0.0 nur.repos.sikmir.satellite Small Gemini server for serving static files
sbase-0-unstable-2024-12-09 nur.repos.sikmir.sbase suckless unix tools
scc-0-unstable-2024-02-11 nur.repos.sikmir.scc Simple c99 compiler
scroll-0.1 nur.repos.sikmir.scroll Scrollbackbuffer program for st
sdhcp-0.1-unstable-2018-11-22 nur.repos.sikmir.sdhcp Simple dhcp client
sdlmap-2014-02-09 nur.repos.sikmir.sdlmap A SDL + libcurl OpenStreetMap viewer
sdorfehs-1.1 nur.repos.sikmir.sdorfehs A tiling window manager
sdr-modem-1.0.129 nur.repos.sikmir.sdr-modem Modem based on software defined radios
sdr-server-1.1.26 nur.repos.sikmir.sdr-server High performant TCP server for rtl-sdr
se-3.0.1 screen oriented version of the classic UNIX text editor ed
sendmap20-4.2 nur.repos.sikmir.sendmap20 Software for uploading maps to your GPS
sequel-ace-4.1.7-20080 nur.repos.sikmir.sequel-ace MySQL/MariaDB database management for macOS
python3.12-server-thread-0.3.0 nur.repos.sikmir.server-thread Launch a WSGIApplication in a background thread with werkzeug
serverpp-0.2.0 nur.repos.sikmir.serverpp A C++ library for basic network server handling
shavit-0-unstable-2020-03-14 nur.repos.sikmir.shavit Gemini server
shellprof-0-unstable-2021-04-27 nur.repos.sikmir.shellprof Profile a shell script based on its printouts
shifu-0.57.0 nur.repos.sikmir.shifu Kubernetes-native IoT gateway
slazav-fi-2025-02-01 nur.repos.sikmir.slazav-fi custom render of Finnish topo maps
slazav-hr-2025-01-27 nur.repos.sikmir.slazav-hr Slazav mountains
slazav-podm-2025-01-27 nur.repos.sikmir.slazav-podm Slazav Moscow region map
sled-0.19.2 nur.repos.sikmir.sled Simple text editor
smallrx-0-unstable-2018-12-18 nur.repos.sikmir.smallrx amateur radio receiver in <100 code lines
python3.12-smopy-0.0.7 nur.repos.sikmir.smopy OpenStreetMap image tiles in Python
smrender-4.3.0 nur.repos.sikmir.smrender A powerful, flexible, and modular rule-based rendering engine for OSM data
socketcand-0.6.1-unstable-2023-12-06 nur.repos.sikmir.socketcand Server to access CAN sockets over ASCII protocol
srtm2osm- nur.repos.sikmir.srtm2osm Srtm2Osm tool uses SRTM digital elevation model to generate elevation contours of a selected terrain
stagit-gemini-2022-07-08 nur.repos.sikmir.stagit-gemini-milotier A fork of stagit-gopher that generates gemtext
stagit-gemini-2020-01-18 nur.repos.sikmir.stagit-gemini-sloum Fork of stagit-gopher that ports the output to gemini
stardict-tools-3.0.6 nur.repos.sikmir.stardict-tools Stardict tools
python3.12-starlette-cramjam-0.4.0 nur.repos.sikmir.starlette-cramjam Cramjam integration for Starlette ASGI framework
ste-0.7.4 nur.repos.sikmir.ste Simple table editor
sthkd-0-unstable-2020-11-15 nur.repos.sikmir.sthkd Simple Terminal Hotkey Daemon
subprocess-0.4.0 nur.repos.sikmir.subprocess Cross platform subprocess library for c++ similar to design of python subprocess
supermercado-0.2.0 nur.repos.sikmir.supermercado Supercharger for mercantile
supermorecado-0.1.2 nur.repos.sikmir.supermorecado Extend the functionality of morecantile with additional commands
svtm-0-unstable-2021-04-28 nur.repos.sikmir.svtm Simple Virtual Terminal Manager
synwrite-6.41.2780 nur.repos.sikmir.synwrite Advanced text editor for programmers and Notepad replacement
table-0.7.18 nur.repos.sikmir.table Command line utility to format and display CSV
taginfo-tools-0-unstable-2022-05-24 nur.repos.sikmir.taginfo-tools C++ tools used in taginfo processing
tatoeba-2025-03-22 nur.repos.sikmir.tatoeba Tatoeba is a collection of sentences and translations
tatoebatools-0.2.3 nur.repos.sikmir.tatoebatools A library for downloading, updating and iterating over data files from Tatoeba
taudem-5.3.8 nur.repos.sikmir.taudem Terrain Analysis Using Digital Elevation Models
tcvt-0-unstable-2022-09-28 nur.repos.sikmir.tcvt ANSI terminal emulator
telegabber-1.9.7 nur.repos.sikmir.telegabber XMPP/Jabber transport to Telegram network
telegram-send-0-unstable-2023-10-07 nur.repos.sikmir.telegram-send Send messages and files over Telegram from the command-line
telnetpp-3.0.0 nur.repos.sikmir.telnetpp A C++ library for interacting with Telnet streams
terminalpp-3.1.0 nur.repos.sikmir.terminalpp A C++ library for interacting with ANSI terminal windows
terracotta-0.8.5 nur.repos.sikmir.terracotta A light-weight, versatile XYZ tile server
tg-spam-1.15.0 Anti-Spam bot for Telegram and anti-spam library
python3.10-thinplatespline-0-unstable-2024-02-06 nur.repos.sikmir.thinplatespline Python library for thin plate spline calculations
tile-stitch-0-unstable-2019-07-11 nur.repos.sikmir.tile-stitch Stitch together and crop map tiles for a specified bounding box
tilecloud-1.12.6 nur.repos.sikmir.tilecloud Tools for managing tiles
tilekiln-0.6.5 nur.repos.sikmir.tilekiln A set of command-line utilities to generate and serve Mapbox Vector Tiles (MVTs)
tilelog-1.7.0 nur.repos.sikmir.tilelog Tilelog is used to generate tile logs for the OSMF Standard map layer
tilesets-cli-1.13.0 nur.repos.sikmir.tilesets-cli CLI for interacting with the Mapbox Tilesets API
tiny-frpc-0.1.3 nur.repos.sikmir.tiny-frpc tiny frpc using ssh protocol with frps
tinyflux-1.0.0 nur.repos.sikmir.tinyflux The tiny time series database
python3.12-tinynetrc-1.3.1 nur.repos.sikmir.tinynetrc Read and write .netrc files in Python
python3.12-titiler-0.20.1 nur.repos.sikmir.titiler A modern dynamic tile server built on top of FastAPI and Rasterio/GDAL
ocaml5.2.1-tlstunnel-0-unstable-2024-01-10 nur.repos.sikmir.tlstunnel A TLS reverse proxy unikernel
tom-2021-10-21 nur.repos.sikmir.tom Gemini frontend for git repositories
tpkutils-0.8.2 nur.repos.sikmir.tpkutils ArcGIS Tile Package Utilities
trackanimation-1.0.5 nur.repos.sikmir.trackanimation GPS Track Animation Library
python3.12-tracks-storage-server-0-unstable-2024-04-27 nur.repos.sikmir.tracks-storage-server Tracks storage server
tsnsrv-0-unstable-2024-07-22 nur.repos.sikmir.tsnsrv A reverse proxy that exposes services on your tailnet
ttb-0-unstable-2022-12-14 nur.repos.sikmir.ttb A lightning-fast tool for querying Tatoebe from the command-line
tuiview-1.3.0 nur.repos.sikmir.tuiview Simple Raster Viewer
turbo-0-unstable-2024-02-05 nur.repos.sikmir.turbo An experimental text editor based on Scintilla and Turbo Vision
tvision-0-unstable-2024-02-28 nur.repos.sikmir.tvision A modern port of Turbo Vision 2.0, the classical framework for text-based user interfaces
vectiler-0.1.0-unstable-2021-06-30 nur.repos.sikmir.vectiler A vector tile, terrain and city 3d model builder and exporter
visualgps-1.0-unstable-2020-03-29 nur.repos.sikmir.visualgps A QT application (GUI) that makes use of the VisualGPS/NMEAParser project
volantmq-0.4.0-rc.8 nur.repos.sikmir.volantmq High-Performance MQTT Server
vt2geojson-0.1.6 nur.repos.sikmir.vt2geojson Command line tool to dump Mapbox Vector Tiles to GeoJSON
webdump-0-unstable-2024-07-06 nur.repos.sikmir.webdump HTML to plain-text converter for webpages
python3.12-westra-passes-0-unstable-2025-01-28 nur.repos.sikmir.westra-passes Mountain passes for nakarte
wik-1.4.0 nur.repos.sikmir.wik wik is use to get information about anything on the shell using Wikipedia
python3.12-wikitextprocessor-0.4.96 nur.repos.sikmir.wikitextprocessor Parser and expander for Wikipedia, Wiktionary etc. dump files, with Lua execution support
wiktextract-1.99.7 nur.repos.sikmir.wiktextract Wiktionary dump file parser and multilingual data extractor
wiktfinnish-2020-02-27 nur.repos.sikmir.wiktfinnish Finnish morphology (including verb forms, comparatives, cases, possessives, clitics)
wirefire-0-unstable-2024-11-08 nur.repos.sikmir.wirefire Lightweight, open-source implementation of Tailscale control server
wms-tiles-downloader-0.3.2 nur.repos.sikmir.wms-tiles-downloader CLI for downloading map tiles from WMS server
python3.12-wptools-0.4.17-unstable-2022-02-22 nur.repos.sikmir.wptools Wikipedia tools (for Humans)
xfractint-20.04p16 nur.repos.sikmir.xfractint Fractal generator
xtr-0.1.9 nur.repos.sikmir.xtr Translation tools for rust
youtimetrack-0.1.1 nur.repos.sikmir.youtimetrack CLI tools for YouTrack time management
zdict-5.0.1 nur.repos.sikmir.zdict The last online dictionary framework you need
zed-0.179.1-pre nur.repos.sikmir.zed High-performance, multiplayer code editor
zwave-js-ui-9.14.6 nur.repos.sikmir.zwave-js-ui Full featured Z-Wave Control Panel UI and MQTT gateway