

Name Attribute Description
pico-fido-6.4 nur.repos.picokeys-nix.pico-fido Transforming a Raspberry Pico into a FIDO Passkey
pico-fido-6.4 nur.repos.picokeys-nix.pico-fido-eddsa Transforming a Raspberry Pico into a FIDO Passkey
pico-fido-tool-1.8 nur.repos.picokeys-nix.pico-fido-tool Tool for interacting with the Pico Fido
pico-hsm-5.4 nur.repos.picokeys-nix.pico-hsm Hardware Security Module (HSM) for Raspberry Pico and ESP32
pico-hsm-5.4 nur.repos.picokeys-nix.pico-hsm-eddsa Hardware Security Module (HSM) for Raspberry Pico and ESP32
pico-hsm-tool-2.2 nur.repos.picokeys-nix.pico-hsm-tool Tool for interacting with the Pico HSM
pico-nuke-1.3 nur.repos.picokeys-nix.pico-nuke Raspberry Pi flash nuke to reset the flash to all 0s for all supported boards
pico-openpgp-3.4 nur.repos.picokeys-nix.pico-openpgp Converting a Raspberry Pico into an OpenPGP CCID smart card
pico-openpgp-3.4 nur.repos.picokeys-nix.pico-openpgp-eddsa Converting a Raspberry Pico into an OpenPGP CCID smart card
python3.12-pycvc-1.5.0 nur.repos.picokeys-nix.pycvc Card Verifiable Certificates (CVC) tools for Python
python3.12-pypicohsm-1.4 nur.repos.picokeys-nix.pypicohsm Pico HSM client for Python